
published papers

ProofreadingByPhD was officially founded in 2014, although the Chief Editor, Dr. Thavamaran, was operating freelance editorial service for a number of years.

Medicine Sciences

Life Sciences

Physical Sciences

Social Science/Business

Our Satisfied Clients

Professor Waidah Ismail Faculty of Science and Technology-University Sains Islam Malaysia

Thanks to Dr. Thava and team for the awessome proofreading and structuring services. My paper is accepted to Neural Computing and Applications with the impact of 4.664.... And many papers to come....

Dr. Sow Ai Yin Postdoctoral Fellow - University Malaysia Kelantan

I am pleased to announce my paper been accepted by Scientific Reports Nature (Q1) . I take this opportunity to thank Dr Thava and team members for making this successful.

Ms Sabihah Ghazali PhD Student - University Pendidikan Sultan Idris

Best proofreading service so far.. Worth it!!!

Dr Wael Ahmed Assistant Professor and Orthodontics - Aljouf University

Thank you very much Dr Thava and team of Proofreading by a UK PhD for your services in editing and proofreading for my manuscript. It is highly recommended due to their excellent services. Totally worth it. Again thank you very much and will continued using your services in future.

Professor Ahmed A. Zaid Professor - Kadoorie Institute

Thanks a lot, Proofreading by a UK Ph.D. It's was really awesome to work with you. Finally, the paper was accepted and published in the 😀👌👌👌Journal of cleaner production (impact factor 5.621)

Saif Al Muzahmi ICT Director - Be'ah, Oman

I wish to offer my thanks and appreciations to Dr Thavamaran Kanesan and his team for giving great and brilliant assistance. I am really glad and happy with their proofread and organizing works to PhD thesis. I highly recommend their services for those looking for excellent proofread support.

Dr Shida Musa Director - FAMA, Malaysia

Thank you very much to Dr Thavamaran and Proofreading by a UK PhD. It is a short plan yet Dr Thava manage to squeeze my appointment in his hectic schedule. What a bless!! His passion towards academic writing is very outstanding. Months, im wondering what wrong with my writing, yet he able to detect within an hour hahahahah... shows his experiences and expertise are so good. Looking forward to get more services from his team ! thank you Dr Thava

Dr Wang Lei School of Management - Xuzhou University of Technology, China

Thank you for the excellent, prompt, and correct work by Dr Thava belong UK PHD proofreading group. I had a best experience that making communication with Dr Thava. /eprint/m2crcbsSPPsQ7dfxs zdu/full. I will highly recommend to my friends and collegues. Thx again.

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